colourful scarf for spring

변덕스런 봄날 스카프이용한 다양한 스타일링팁!02-styling-tips-for-milan-fashion-week-2013-foulardI find Scarf very chic and versatile accessories which can create so many different styling. Classically it can be worn as a scarf, or as a headband. Sometimes i like to wear a scarf like a turban, it’s a fun look, and it would work for Spring. For an easier look, less formal, just tie a scarf round your pony tail. Otherwise tie it round the handle of your bag like I’ve shown you here in the drawing. It makes any monochrome bag look brand new.yuriAhn-fashion-editor-swide-personal-stylig-tips-with-scarf-for-spring스카프이용한 다양한 스타일링팁!  기본적으로 목에두르는 스타일이 있고, 헤어밴드 대신 하기도하고, 가방에 리본을 만들어 포인트를 주기도한다.yuriAhn-fashion-editor-swide-fashion-tips-with-scarf-for-spring이외에 스카프를 벨트나 탑으로 이용하면 화려한 악세사리효과를 얻을수있다.  dolce-and-gabbana-ss12-collection-animalier-leopard-bicycle-limited-edition-Bike-My-City-ss2012-belt-leather-bag-wallet-shoes-sicily-swidesign-salonedelmobile-spiga2-spiga26-event-thestylistme-yuriahn-blogger-fashion-editor-swide변덕스런 봄날씨엔 스카프가 무척 유용하다.yuriAhn-personal-styling-tip-with-scarf-for-springyuriAhn-personal-styling-tips-with-scarf-for-spring

Try it to create a own styling for Spring!